Florence Smith

Project manager, people-person, translator.

My joy for connecting people and creating a harmonious work environment means this is more than just a career to me.

View my skills

Over 6 years experience

Having worked in a multitude of organisations I know how to get any work environment ticking.

Multilingual business

Speaking 3 languages and with a degree in business, I can improve your operations internationally.

Personable relations

I get to know my team and work with them rather than rule over them. An upbeat workspace is the best workspace!

Results through communication

Project direction requires a unified voice. Relaying these messages to your team in their native tongue is ever more important in a global world and multinational business. Luckily, I'm fluent in 3 languages.

  • English

  • Italian

  • French

  • Being a great project manager means being great with people, no matter their background!
  • Essere un ottimo project manager significa essere bravi con le persone, indipendentemente dal loro background!
  • Pour être un bon gestionnaire de projet, il faut être excellent avec les gens, quel que soit leur milieu !
Florence working on a sofa

Proven proficiency

I don't just claim fluency over these lanugages. With English being my native tongue, I was awarded with my DALF (Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française) by the French Ministry of Education in 2019, and my CILS (Certificazione di Italiano come Lingua Straniera) in 2021.

My desire for true practical experience with these languages then took me onto working in internation and multinational businesses, within business roles as well as project management roles.

View my employment history

Please note: this is a portfolio site made by Lucian Chevallier. This site is purely for showcase purposes and is based on a fictitious person.